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Lou Gentile Show (Part 3)
April 29, 2005
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
The complete interview is available on the Lou Gentile web site, to subscribed members.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
CALLER: This is Louie, and I'm calling from Connecticut. Nancy, a few days ago, I believe what you're saying because I've been living in this house
over 30 years, and I look at the Moon in a certain room. It used to be like East to West. Now the other day when I looked at the Moon it was in the
center of a window where the Moon never showed over 30 years. And I look up at the sky sometimes at night and it looks like a partial glow. You
really can't see straight through the sky. It's like, you know, you can't really see through it. It looks weird.
NANCY: Yeah, very good point. We covered this last month, I believe, on the Lou Gentile show, the Moon, a year in review. Over a year, from the
Summer of early 2004, we have seen from the New Moon to the Full Moon that it's too far to the North, and from the Full to New, too far to the
South by significant degrees. And people who don't even know about Planet X, or don't even know about ZetaTalk the website, grandma's will report
to people 'the Moon has never been there before'. This is measurable with planetarium programs that you can get off the web like Skymap. I have that,
and it's been consistent. The Zetas have described this as a Moon Dance, saying that the Moon is trying to avoid the crowded Ecliptic, which is the
middle of the Sun, also pretty much the middle of the Earth. So that it's skewed like a hat on a head, too high on one side, too low on the other side.
This is one of the best pieces of evidence that Planet X is in our inner solar system. It is affecting the particle flows around Earth, it stands between us
and the Sun right now. And there it is, there's no other explanation. Good for you Louie.
CALLER: And another thing, Nancy, 3 days ago, in the Connecticut area, people were calling about all kind of lights in the sky and they said that it
was meteors.
NANCY: Not so. Fireballs roaring across Canada too, I believe. Meteors are not fireballs, they're little streaky things, streaky lights. We have had
such an incidence of these fireballs this last year. I think I've discussed it on many Lou Gentile shows. At times when meteor showers are not expected.
And so that NASA and the like involved in the cover-up are forced to say 'well, it's space debris coming down'. And then people say 'well, I have
this huge rock that fell in my back yard'
LOU: Louie, I gotta go
CALLER: Lou, I love your show, I listen to it every day.
LOU: Sorry Nancy, had to cut you off, but we have to get ready to go to break. [Commercial break] And we're back to the Lou Gentile show,
second hour, speaking tonight with Nancy Lieder. Visit her website ZetaTalk.com. We are taking your phone calls for Nancy. Give a call in. Either you
support her or you don't. If you support her, tell her why you support her, whatever. If you don't, do the same thing. I want to hear from you, and I
believe Nancy wants to hear from you. She wants to find out what people think. Do you think it's true, that there's a conspiracy, or do you think that it's
nothing but a bunch of bunk, that it's not true. Give a call in, 866-LOUSHOW. Also, I'm in the chat room, and you can go there. You go to the left
hand side of the site, live chat. And if you're not registered on the show, you can very easily do so. Go to the top left hand side to FAQ, read it, tells
you how to do it. And once you are a valid registered for free of the show, or of the site, you can get the last 5 archives for free, the latest paranormal
news from around the world, a lot of benefits to it. And if you want to subscribe to the archives, they're $53.95 a year, the archives are up there. We
also added a couple things about the Amityville Horror, the most amount of interviews on the Amityville Horror of any media outlet. If you're a
subscriber you can see them on the left hand side where it says Amityville 2002, 2003, etc. Also I'd like to see everybody go into the chat room. The
chat room it there whether you interact or don't. Lets see if we can get this thing up to a whole slew of listeners in there, and I think it would be pretty
cool to see if we can max it out. So if you can, go into the chat room and check it out. Back with Nancy Lieder, welcome back, Nancy.
NANCY: And I'd also like to say that some of the most important ZetaTalk has come out live on the air, your show, Lou, and this is a fact of record
on my ZetaTalk that has been developed on your shows, 'on the Lou Gentile show, dated ba ba ba'. And you have the archives. It's a treasure trove.
LOU: Oh yeah, it is. We have the different shows that you've appeared on, and you released the one show, giving the date, all kinds of different things,
which leads me up to one of my questions. Have the Zetas given a date?
NANCY: No, they've avoided that like the plague, and believe me they get asked, I get asked on email every day. It doesn't come up necessarily on
the phone calls here to your show, but people say 'come on, just tell me, I won't tell anybody', that kind of thing. But the problem is remote viewers,
and I have a team of them, I don't know 8 or 9, they take shifts, assigned to me, hang out in my head. If I was aware of it in any way, shape, or form
my protoplasm, my human body, was thinking about this they would pick it up. The problem is Martial Law, and not just the US, maybe in Russia,
certainly in Indonesia, a number of countries, where if they knew a firm date, they would arrange to get people trapped in their homes along the
coastlines and river basins, drowning. You would be selecting out good workers, taken to work camps, on whatever guise. You know, 'we have to
have a national work force'. Or maybe they would like make an excuse that's there's a bio-terrorism, 'oh, germs, people are infected'. You know
we had a release, recently, of a virus that caused a pandemic and millions died that we have no immunity to because it was so long ago, 1957 virus I
believe. Went to like 4,000 or maybe 5,000 different sites around the world, and supposedly by accident from a US lab. And people say 'oh, good
Heavens, it could start a pandemic', it was a bird flu. Now, they're trying to create this kind of an excuse. Trying to create a crisis where they can
keep you in your cities, and you will die. You may be poisoned there, for instance. This type of thing would happen if they had a firm date. Therefore,
the little guy wins when there's no date given. And the powers that be that want to rule in the Aftertime, after the pole shift, as kings, who want to create
work camps of only the best workers and get rid of all the rest, the aged and infirm who are not strong, little babies, kill them off. Let's just have a good
workforce. Brutal rule, like concentration camps almost, would prevail. And it's a horror. And this is being prevented by the lack of a date. Did that
answer your question?
LOU: Yeah. Let me take some questions actually from the side of this chat. Taking your calls also, 866-LOUSHOW. There was actually a really
interesting question here. Here's one that Bunny7 wants to know. 'What the point of spending all this time and effort for every sign for years
leading up to an extinction level event when our time would be better spent by knowing when it is going to happen so we could plan our time
accordingly. Both to enjoy life up to a point and then to prepare better.'
NANCY: Yeah, actually that is true, if we didn't have the bad guys out there wishing to enslave you into work camps. Definitely knowing the date
would be the thing to do, and planning. The Zetas point our that if those who are aware of Planet X in the inner solar system, and believe me the US
government for instance and NASA since 1983, Dec 31, 1983 when it hit the front pages of the Washington Post. Go into my website and you'll find
this. And we've reviewed this on past Lou Gentile shows. They discovered it in infrared, they said it's so close as to be a planet in our solar system, and
then the cover-up dropped, right after that, and 'oh, no no'. Because of perturbations, all the planets kind of pulling in the direction of Orion. And they
found it in that direction. And they were so discombobulated the truth got out for those newspaper articles. So if they were telling you a little more truth
you would be able to prepare. Or, if it looks like it's impossible for you to survive, you'd have a loving goodby. You accept death. You say your
goodbys. This is better than being taken by surprise, or a sense of abandonment or being tricked, cruel tricks by your government that you assumed
would protect you. There was something during the Terri Shavio case, that I saw on TV, about a man who had learned that he was dying of cancer and
rather than fight this, and it was a sudden and very rapid growth of pancreatic, I think. He called everybody to his home. They had a month of tearful
goodbys and visits, and then he passed. And it was quite beautiful in his acceptance of death and not fighting it and a chance to say goodby to people.
Those who can survive will say 'ah, the seeds, the gardening tools, the fish hooks, the camping gear, where should I go when the waves are
assaulting the coastlines'. They can plan their route, they can make arrangements, and it's no worse than it was 100 years ago or the way the Amish
live today. That's not a bad lifestyle.
LOU: Lets take another call. You're on the Lou Gentile show, what's your name and where are you calling from.
CALLER: This is Ron from southern New Jersey. I was wondering if, I don't know if you heard about the Hubble, they're planning to cancel it and all
that. If you think that maybe they're doing that because of things they don't want people to know about.
NANCY: Yup, it's a perfect excuse. We never did see that much from the Hubble. The Hubble just a little bit of information, few images would leak.
And actually, it used to be a live feed, everything that you'd see would automatically, I mean, why should they hide what they're looking at, you know.
Our tax dollars paid for it. But it quickly changed to be not a live feed. And then they said, well, all these images have to go to a, I think they said, a
'principal investigator', who was supposed to do some scientific study with what they got. And the prinicpal investigator, always some NASA buddy
working for some university somewhere or whatever, would only release a picture or two if they wished to. Look at the Face on Mars, these probes
go up there, and what do we get? Do we get a clear image of the Face on Mars? No. They look at everything but. So, it's a cover-up, and people
have caught NASA air brushing out UFO's for instance. Yeah, we get very little from the Hubble, and obviously they are sending every probe that they
are sending up, whether they say it's to land on a comet or go around Mercury, they're all peeking at Planet X. They're trying to figure out it's trajectory
and it's speed. And it's difficult because Planet X does not behave according to the way man assumes, you know, bodies slinging through the solar
system behave.
LOU: All right, Ron, I gotta run. Thanks for the call, man. That brings me up into another question. This one here, let's see, this one's from Ham. It says
'The Zetas have stated that Planet X would cross the inner solar system in 3 short months. Nancy has claimed Planet X to be there for 2
years. What's up with that'.
NANCY: Yeah, very good question. They did a deliberate White Lie. They said in ZetaTalk 'shortly after May 15, 2003' and that it would come into
the solar system very rapidly, actually faster than the speed of light. And zoom in toward the Sun, plunging toward the Sun, and zoom past and out. The
reason that White Lie was, and this was the only time that ZetaTalk has been inaccurate, the only time, they wanted to lead the Bush White House out
into invade Iraq and do some of their maneuvers early, which they did. Remember in early 2003 when Bush wanted to get into Iraq, he had to hurry
hurry hurry. And now it's gone to rot. The place is in civil war, the US is embattled, the US public is in uproar about the cost of this and the death and
injury, and all the oil fields in Iraq, none of them are flowing, nothing's coming out of there. It went to heck because they went in too early. But if we had
had a pole shift shortly after that, he would have had the Iraqi oil, the Saudi oil, etc etc and been a kingpin around the world, and it is a bid for world
domination. They're after the oil in Venezuela, Nigeria, the Alaska fields, etc etc. OK,.so, the White Lie, and there were a number of things tied to the
White Lie. The speed at which it was when it hit Saturn's orbit, was, if it had maintained that speed, it would have crossed in 3 months, but it slowed.
Now I have inserted into ZetaTalk in about a dozen different places where there was something related to the White Lie, 'this is related to the White
Lie go look at what this was about'. This is one of them, passing Saturn's orbit in 3 short months. Interpret that as saying, at that point it is at a speed
which would take it across Saturn's orbit in 3 short months. But the Repulsion Force, which is anti-gravity set in, and when we encountered it, coming
around Dec of 2003, we stopped in our orbit. And we've been sitting there ever since with Planet X between us and the Sun. And the Zetas and other
benign aliens have been tipping our globe, the North Pole toward the Sun to simulate Summer, the North Pole away to simulate Winter. And this is
very clear if you look at the constellations and the like and where the Moon is and the like, to effect our seasons so that we don't have Martial Law in a
panic endeavored by those control freaks in the White House and other places around the globe like the White House.