The jet stream is affected primarily by the rotation of the Earth, the slow roll, which pulls the Earth under her blanket of air and creates swirling in the temperate regions, the prevailing Westerlies, as cold air from the poles rushes to drop into voids created by this motion.
The jet stream is affected secondarily by warm and cold spots, warm over land masses that are more quickly heated or cooled than the ocean, which can circulate and maintain a more even distribution within its depths.
Hot air is lighter than cold, and rises, cold heavier and drops, thus the storm systems attempting to equalize the density of air.
The temperature and density and direction of air masses can be determined, and thus the weatherman has historically offered predictions, but these predictions have become increasingly difficult, in part because of the Earth wobble which jerks the Earth about under her mantel of air, often at cross currents to the jet stream.
A new development is tornado swirls within the jet stream, where the stream turns round upon itself rather than proceeding, high in the upper atmosphere, in its traditional directions.
Tornadoes, as any school child learns, are caused by the rapid dropping of cold air through a lighter warm air mass, a sinkhole that becomes, like a black hole for gravity particles, an irresistible pull for cold air in the vicinity.
On a larger scale, hurricanes and their counterparts, the typhoon or cyclone, are large swirls on the move, attempting to equalize air pressure. If tornadoes and hurricanes can occur in the lower atmosphere, on a local level, why could they not occur in the upper atmosphere?