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On Jan 6, 2006 the Zetas stated that the evolution of life required that the cell be present before DNA could develop, as it needed that protection, a nest.
- Life, whether it evolves naturally or is seeding to expedite the process, does not develop in a day. It develops in steps and stages. One stage is in place before the next step can be taken. DNA supports the ability of life to replicate itself and carry forward the dictates of biological function. Since man comes late to examining his own beginnings, he cannot determine if DNA arrived before the cell, or the cell was in place before the DNA. The assumption is that DNA came first, links forming in some kind of primordial soup, and the cell developed later as a protective device. Now, they know otherwise. DNA in a soup would be subject to assault, continually, and thus not perpetuate itself with any certainty. Life does not develop in chaos, but rather where a soup with rich ingredients exist. The cell body does not dissipate without DNA, as human scientists know. It feeds, and continues. It does this without assistance, as long as the soup it finds itself in allowed growth. Death of a cell occurs only when it is attacked, exposed to attack, so that the molecular functions that allowed it to form and retain form are disrupted. The evidence dropped to Earth was encased in an asteroid chunk that protected the molecular composition of these cells from the formerly life bearing planets in the Asteroid Belt. They thus had no reason to die. But as the shape clearly presents, this was a stage of life prior to DNA insertion, the next stage. DNA naturally forming in primordial pools needs a nest, a shelter. With cells about, it can migrate through the skin of a cell to interior chambers, which it does today. Is this not what the virus does, when infecting a cell? Is this not what RNA does when it travels between cells, communicating?
- ZetaTalk: Space Dust, Alive?, written Jan 6, 2006
On October 6, 2007 breaking news declared that scientists had "created life" by stripping down DNA strands and inserting them into an existing cell. It was not possible for the DNA to be kept alive without the cell.
- I am Creating Artificial Life, Declares US Gene Pioneer
October 6 2007
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2007/oct/06/genetics.climatechange- Craig Venter, the controversial DNA researcher involved in the race to decipher the human genetic code, has built a synthetic chromosome out of laboratory chemicals and is poised to announce the creation of the first new artificial life form on Earth. A team of 20 top scientists assembled by Mr Venter, led by the Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith, has already constructed a synthetic chromosome, a feat of virtuoso bio-engineering never previously achieved. Using lab-made chemicals, they have painstakingly stitched together a chromosome that is 381 genes long and contains 580,000 base pairs of genetic code. It is then transplanted into a living bacterial cell and in the final stage of the process it is expected to take control of the cell and in effect become a new life form. The new life form will depend for its ability to replicate itself and metabolise on the molecular machinery of the cell into which it has been injected.