Script for June 5, 2017, for the Hearing Impaired

Nibiru in the News

In partnership with USAEBN, ZetaTalk and  the Zeta Report will be discussing the challenges of living on a planet beset with change – rising seas, increasing earthquakes and volcanic activity, weather gone wild, and the worry of what to do in a worst case scenario. We will also inject ZetaTalk prophecy on what is coming next and advice on Readiness Plans and Safe Locations.

Whenever ZetaTalk is quoted, please remember that prophecy is not FACT, it is opinion. It only becomes fact when it happens. The Zetas are remarkably accuracy, but have been wrong on occasion. Bear that in mind. For more information on this subject please visit or The Zeta Report on YouTube.

[Chat Question]
Questions from the chat, and issues raised in the chat, will be addressed toward the end of the hour after the main feature has been presented.

Nibiru, the name of the Planet of the Crossing, is seldom seen in print but recently the pace has picked up. Nibiru, aka Planet X, was in the spotlight in 2003 due to the ZetaTalk prediction that the passage would occur “shortly after May 15, 2003”, and again in 2012 due to the assertion that the Mayan Calendar had predicted the passage to occur “on December 21, 2012”. But why the new focus in 2017?

The term Nibiru has been appearing in the Main Stream Media lately. Not just the fringe media, various people making claims and posting videos. Nibiru is the official name assigned to the Planet of the Crossing by the ancient Sumerians, though it is also known by many other names such as Planet X, Wormwood, or the Destroyer. That the Main Stream Media is doing this is in and of itself news.

To avoid panic in the public, the cover-up over the approach of Nibiru was mandated by Reagan in an executive order after its approach was confirmed in 1983 by the IRAS team. Up until that discovery, the search for a planet out toward Orion was openly admitted in the press. This gravity pull was often called Nemesis in the press. Quoting Astronomy magazine in 1981:

Beyond Pluto, in the cold, dark regions of space, may lie an undiscovered tenth planet two to five times the size of Earth. Astronomers at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) are using a powerful computer to identify the best target zones, and a telescopic search will follow soon after. Van Flandern thinks the tenth planet may have between two and five Earth masses and lie 50 to 100 astronomical units from the Sun.

When the ZetaTalk saga first started, the cover-up over Nibiru was intense. NASA even denied that such a thing as a rogue planet, traveling afar from its Sun, could exist. Quoting a 2002 article from the American Scientist, Volume 90:

For centuries a planet has been defined as an object that orbits a star. This notion was recently upended when several groups of astronomers reported the discovery of planet-sized objects wandering through space on their own, with no parent star in sight. The discovery of these objects within dense stellar clusters has unsettled the astronomical community and raised questions about the nature of planets and how they might form.

Meanwhile, in 2002, the ZetaTalk team was tracking just such a traveling planet via teams on 3 continents – Europe, Africa, and the US. This was a planet that emitted a dim light, the smoldering brown dwarf described by the Zetas, that was moving according to the Zeta coordinates. In 2001 it was seen from observatories.

ZetaTalk was ridiculed on sci.astro by assigned astronomers in 2002, whom we took to calling the shepherds of the sheep of sci.astro. Quoting Jim Scotti, an astronomer who worked out of the observatory at Tucson, Arizona, where the notorious PopeScope is located.

I am speaking the truth when I say that there is nothing to cover up in regards to your Planet X - it simply does not exist as you have described it and the way that you describe it is totally inconsistent with the way we understand physics to work. Their object is not even consistent with an object which orbits the Sun in only 3600 years like Sitchin's fictitious Niburu and the object which Nancy claims.

In the Winter of 2002-2003, when the Orion constellation is visible at night, it was traced by infra-red. Meanwhile, the media was reporting that astronomers were busy focusing on tiny rocks like Eris, discovered out past Pluto, and temporarily given the name Planet X just to confuse the public. Every little rock was called Planet X in those days.

Coincidentally, Pioneer 10, sent out in the direction of Orion to see what it could see, died in 2003. A diagram appearing in the 1987 edition of the New Science and Invention Encyclopedia shows “Nemesis” a popular name for our sun’s binary companion, as a dead star. The diagram also shows the approximate location of a 10th Planet. Quoting NASA:

After more than 30 years, it appears the venerable Pioneer 10 spacecraft has sent its last signal to Earth.  Pioneer’s last, very weak signal was received on Jan. 22, 2003. NASA engineers report that Pioneer 10’s radioisotope power source has decayed, and it may not have enough power to send additional transmissions to Earth.  NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) did not detect a signal during the last contact attempt on Feb. 7, 2003. 

At this same time, in the Spring of 2003, Nibiru was quite visible as it was passing over the Earth’s orbit to snug up close to the Sun. Then NASA began a slow admission that rogue, or traveling planets as they were called, moving mysteriously through space detached from any Sun, could exist. They were discovering them! Was NASA trying to align with the facts, which were increasingly becoming obvious?

These detached planets were termed exoplanets, and their announced discoveries have taken an exponential leap. Close to zero through 2002, then approaching 50 up until 2007, rising over 100 for 2008-2010, then 200 in 2011 and zooming up to almost 800 in 2014. Since Nibiru could technically be called an exoplanet, they seemed to be getting the world ready for Nibiru.

Meanwhile, Nibiru next to the Sun was being photographed by the public. The brilliant Moon Swirls when the light from the Sun funneled down the tube formed by the swirl. The brilliant Second Sun captures at dawn and dusk when the angle of sunlight bouncing off the dust shroud around Nibiru was optimal. In 2009, the Winged Globe even appeared on a SOHO image, briefly.

The fluff up about the Mayan Calendar resurrected the name Nibiru, which NASA was quick to squelch. The cover-up over Nibiru has NASA front and center, the prime cover-up agent. Quote a NASA site in 2012:

The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 - hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

Despite NASA’s ridicule and debunking, the message did not die. Russia has always been more open about Nibiru, and arranged to feature ZetaTalk on Delo X on the Russia 1 channel in 2013. But notably the subject was alien contact and the hybrid program, not Nibiru.

Ridicule re the Nibiru message remained the mode, as this example from September, 2015 demonstrates. This appears to be a bright Moon Swirl above the Sun but discussion ensued blaming ice crystals in the sky. The facts of Nibiru or its Moon Swirls was hardly going to be admitted. So ridicule ensued. Quoting the DailyCaller:

A video posted 12 days ago on YouTube showing a bright white sphere in the sky has astrologists and conspiracy theorists atwitter because, they say, it is “Planet X,” a mysterious planet which could destroy the earth sometime before Christmas. Conspiracy theorists and various astrologists warn that the video is clear evidence of the existence of “Planet X,” also known as “Nibiru.

Mention of Nibiru in the major media seemed to have disappeared, but in May, 2016 Disclose TV ran a series of articles about Nibiru, claiming NASA and the CIA were fully aware it existed. Meanwhile, astonishing photos of Nibiru were being captured, clearly showing its presence next to the Sun. Quoting Disclose TV:

A NASA paper which was originally published in 1988 is said to reveal that there is a mysterious unnamed planet beyond the tiny ice planet of Pluto. It is believed by many that the Planet X referred to by NASA could be the fabled Planet Nibiru which many thinks could be the initiator of a major, imminent apocalyptic event for the people of Earth.

Best estimates by NASA suggested that the orbital period of the planet spanned a remarkable three thousand six hundred years. The secret NASA files apparently reveal that Planet Nibiru has disrupted the orbits of other planets in its orbital period and that it is imminently about to enter a disruptive passage into the inner solar system.

In October 2016 the Iraq Transport Minister referenced Nibiru when opening a new airport, reminding the public of the long history from the ancient Sumerians. Quoting the Daily Mail:

Mr Finjan claimed that extraterrestrial beings had used the ancient airport, in Dhi Qar, southern Iraq, for interplanetary missions. He even suggested that ancient spaceships launched from the site 5,000 years BC had discovered both Pluto and the mythical planet of Nibiru.

Almost as though an explosion of interest in Nibiru were known to be scheduled for early 2017, the Discovery Channel sent a film crew to the ZetaTalk headquarters to film on May 29, 2016. The show was scheduled to air on the American Heroes Channel on February 26, 2017 in a series called How the World Ends.

Right on schedule in January, 2017 a previously unknown author – David Mead – predicted Nibiru would cause a disaster in 2017, even citing the date of the Rapture as September 23, 2017. Did he have a prediction accuracy track record? No. But this kicked the issue into the media in January, 2017. Perhaps that was by design. Quoting the Washington Post:

If all goes according to wild conjecture, planet Earth and the planet Nibiru are set to collide in the autumn, twin cosmic shooters in a game of apocalyptic marbles. Nibiru is playing for keeps, bringing sinkholes, fire storms and the general annihilation of life as we know it. The concept mutated toward doomsday in 1995, when a self-avowed alien contactee and psychic Nancy Lieder warned about a collision with Nibiru on her site ZetaTalk. As outlandish as the prospect might seem, the concept took hold.

Almost simultaneously, virtually on the same day, a brilliant Second Sun display occurred in Brazil, and hit the press. This was all major media coverage! Quoting the Daily Star.

'It's Nibiru' Shocked Locals film 'Planet X Ring of Fire' over Earth. The footage was filmed in São Thomé das Letras, Brazil, in December. It shows a mass of bizarre orange light totally illuminating the evening sky. For years, conspiracy theorists have a giant hidden planet is set to smash into Earth with catastrophic consequences.

Brazil was in the press again on May 25 when a Senator stood up in their Plenary to announce that Nibiru was a real and present danger. He was of course ridiculed and told his comments were “irrelevant”. But to my knowledge, this is the first time Nibiru has been raised openly by a government official as a “threat” to mankind. Quoting the Brazilian paper Folhabv:

Senator Telmário Mota drew the attention of parliamentarians during the session on May 25, announcing in a speech in the Senate Plenary the collision of an X7 planet, known as "Nibirú", with Earth. "I have received the information from an elect who said NASA states that the planet Nibiru is coming towards Earth and the current cycle will be over soon," said the senator.

According to Telmário, the NASA report says that the planet changes the gravitational field of the earth and, with that, two thirds of humanity will perish. "Two-thirds will die of hunger and disease. I passed this to my advisers to do a study to see if this planet Nibiru is really approaching Earth, "he announced.

Then on May 19 ZetaTalk and the Pole Shift ning were on Ren TV in Russia, and this time the focus was on Earth changes! The drip, drip attention being paid to Nibiru and to the ZetaTalk site is having a palpable increase. But this does not mean the cover-up has gone away. If anything, it has become more shrill. Everytime the truth it muttered, look for one of the Nibiru excuses to be shouted from the rooftops.

For instance, Global Warming, now renamed to be Climate Change. Per the Zetas, this was all to provide an excuse for the Earth changes expected from the approach of Nibiru – erratic weather and rising seas. The IPCC under the auspices of the UN was found to be manufacturing fraudulent data. Per the Zetas, this will never be admitted because the establishment fears the courts would be clogged with law suits over carbon footprint fees and taxes.

What about the increase in volcanism?  Desperate to explain the roiling core of the Earth causing even inactive volcanoes to come to life, the cover-up invented a new excuse. Global Warming did it. Of course, a Nibiru passage could have done it too. Quoting a 2012 article in the Science Daily.

When the Ice Melts, the Earth Spews Fire. The periods of high volcanic activity followed fast, global temperature increases and associated rapid ice melting. In times of global warming, the glaciers are melting on the continents relatively quickly. At the same time the sea level rises. The weight on the continents decreases, while the weight on the oceanic tectonic plates increases. Thus, the stress changes within in the Earth to open more routes for ascending magma.

Earthquakes also have had an almost exponential increase. The excuses here include fracking and even rainfall. Yes, rainfall. Quoting the Wikipedia on Fracking:

A report in the UK concluded that fracking was the likely cause of some small earth tremors that happened during shale gas drilling. In addition the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports that "Earthquakes induced by human activity have been documented in a few locations".

And here we go, if blaming fracking in encroaching on corporate drilling activities, we can blame the rain for earthquakes. Quoting a 2011 article in the National Geographic:

Rain-induced erosion loosens faults, scientist says. The devastating magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti in early 2010 came only 18 months after Haiti had been deluged by several hurricanes and tropical storms. And another large earthquake, a magnitude 6.4 temblor that rocked Taiwan in 2009, occurred only seven months after the area had been hit by Typhoon Morakot, which dropped 9.5 feet  of rain in five days.

Blaming the Sun for all manner of effects caused by Nibiru has been the plan of the cover-up from the start, per the Zetas. Thus warning as early as 2006 that THIS solar cycle, to peak in 2012 or so, was going to be the worst. It wasn’t. It was positively asleep. But NASA and others given responsibility for  maintaining the Nibiru excuses had the Sun at the ready. Quoting from a 2006 NASA article: 

Solar cycle 24, due to peak in 2010 or 2011 "looks like it’s going to be one of the most intense cycles since record-keeping began almost 400 years ago," says solar physicist David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center. He and colleague Robert Wilson presented this conclusion last week at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

And after 2012 came and went, with a sleepy Sun in the skies, what was the reaction? Huh. Humm. People had noticed. Quote from the Daily Mail article in 2013.

Sunspot numbers are well below their values from 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent, as this image shows - despite NASA forecasting major solar storms. Experts have been baffled by the apparent lack of activity - with many wondering if NASA simply got it wrong.

Meanwhile, in 2017, the Second Sun has become more dramatic and frequent, and has also been appearing in the Main Stream Media. The Internet sported a video of a Second Sun filmed in Australia on April 24, and a video taken in Wales on May 3 was reported in the Daily Mail. These were clearly not lens flares or Sun ghosts within the camera, and were placed vs a vs the Ecliptic where one would expect to find Nibiru. Notably the Daily Mail article did NOT draw a conclusion on what was causing the display but rather reported the facts. Quoting the Daily Mail:

It's not known what caused the mystical phenomenon but this couldn't be a 'sundog' - caused by light interacting with ice crystals in the atmosphere - as this only occurs at a position 22 degrees from the sun.

Simultaneously, amateur captures of the Nibiru complex have more clarity, due to Nibiru drawing ever closer. The double helix appearance was dominant in 2003 when Nibiru could still be seen in the night sky, but has been elusive in photos as Nibiru made its way past the Sun. This helix is caused by the two dominant Moons of Nibiru, both sporting minor moons in a Moon Swirl, one on each side.

Our stalward Alberto, in Italy, who has photographed the Nibiru complex since 2003 using filters for red, has also just recently been able to capture this double helix, even in a capture that used no filters at all. Nibiru is clearly drawing closer, and we are likely to see an explosion of attention in the media as a result.

This should be no surprise to those who have listened to our USAEBN broadcasts, presented as the Zeta Report, as we have been keeping you informed.