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Re: Nancy Lieder Exposed!

In article <QOp_6.69727$>, Chosp wrote:
>"josX" <> wrote in message
>> Look at the evidence, try the flash-frozen-Mammoth for instance... .
>Provide even one shred of legitimate evidence for a flash-frozen

Making it easy for me?!

1. The meat was not rotten.
2. The grass in the stomach was not rotten.
3. The internal organs were not rotten.
4. The furr still smelled like it was a living elephant.

The whole Mammoth was not rotten. :-), more than a meter thick on
all sides animal of roughly 37-degrees, is frozen before it rots,
possibly faster.

I saw on a tv-documentary that North-Syberian Nomads sometimes fed the
dogs on Mammoth-flesh when they found some more tusks. They use these
tusks to make all kinds of handywork.

They were flash-frozen. And let's not forget, remained frozen from a
point before their extintian to the present day. Interesting, isn't it.

So you have Mammoth grinding leaves and greenery, so you have them
frozen so good and fast, the meat is still eadible!

Makes you wonder what the hell can do such a thing!
Maybe Einstein felt it right when he said he was "electrified" when he
heard about the idea of a pole-shift, or was Einstein wrong? he is the
high-priest of physics isn't he?
