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Planet X: ALTERNATIVE Garbage <= THOLEN! 1

David Tholen!  You have NO comment on 2001 KX76 being called a REDISH
OBJECT, which is TYPICAL, in the press?  No comment whatsoever, when you
pick apart each sentence into phrases and then each word into letters,
normally?  Is this true or false, in your opinion, that “worlds” are
typically “reddish”?

> Giant world detected in deep space
> 2001KX76 shows up as two [red] coloured dots against the stars
> 1. “The world - it is big enough to be called a world - has a
>     typical reddish hue and is probably covered in ice.”
>      Reddish is TYPICAL?  Since when?  Since the need to
>      have an alternative explanation for the inbound giant
>      we are pointing to!  Comets are redish?  Objects in the
>      Asteroid Belt?  Venus and Mercury, redish?  Saturn?
>      Pluto, or it’s moons?  NONE of these, save Mars, is
>      redish!
>          ZetaTalk™