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Re: ZetaTalk and Spaceguard UK (D8)

Magnus Nyborg
> the "gravity pull" (acceleration) is caused by the same Earth,
> thus creating the same pull. ...
>    F = GMm / r^2 (which I assume you would term "gravity
>                   pull", and that we call force of gravitation)
>    a = GM / r ^2 (since a = F / m) a is of course "acceleration",
>                   unless you missed that (again)

I'm sorry, what happened to the force of gravity being a FACTOR of the
mass of the two objects?  Inverse Square law.  Or can't we put the two
formulas on the same page, as the Zetas have stated?

And in doing this, we should NOT be retreating to an abstract "mass" for
the Moon, as a cop-out! So as long as we use the same UNIT of measure
for the Earth, Moon, and Satellite, we are comparing apples-to-apples in
the forumulas.  So sayeth Mr. Tholen (who works for NASA under various
hand-off arrangements but just won't admit it).

David Tholen wrote:
>> QUESTION: How to compute the MASS of the Earth and Moon,
>> using something REAL like granite (not an abstract number
>> computed to make Newton's formula work)?
> one can determine that the Earth is 81 times more massive than
> the Moon, but the mass in absolute units depends on the definition
> of the unit.

The cop-out, described:

Paul Campbell writes:
>> You're saying that your equations balance, but then only
>> balance because you've CALCULATED the weight of the
>> Moon using the orbital mechanics formula, right?  So if
>> you would enter any other weight for the Moon into those
>> equations, then the Moon either plummets or ejects into
>> space?
>       Nancy wrote
> If you change the mass of the moon then the Moon's orbit as
> presently observed would not happen. Therefore the moon's
> mass must be what it is regardless of it's composition.