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Re: Nancy Leider, Anti-American, etc

In Article <> Jim wrote:
> It is disgusting that she uses this tragedy to take cheap
> shots at our President and corporate America.

Regarding how our Baby Bush, George W., performed on the day of the
attack.  Please see the Washington Post article, quote below.  I was
watching the news on TV, and recall mention that only the west wing of
the White House was evacuated, yet a few days later the word was that
the Secret Service had kept George W. away as they had heard that the
White House was a target.  Oh?  Then why not evacuate Cheny and the
staff?  The explanation was also that Air Force One was a target, or so
someone had heard from some unnamed source.  Oh?  Then how it is that
the PENTAGON and New York City skyline could be hit, without ANY
warning, yet they managed to get THIS information?  It struck me as an
orchestrated cover-up to hid the cowardice of our Baby Bush, who avoided
going to Viet Nam (as Gore did) using his daddy’s pull to keep him in
Texas, as I recall.  Another one for the Zetas, who called it, saying:

    ... During the day of the attack, there were three
    things that stood out from the horror and stunned
    confusion that goes with any unexpected catastrophe.

    1. The first was the absence of the President
       from a role of confrontation and comfort.
       He was hiding, on the run, not seen as in
       command, and took hours to even muster
       a presence other than a statement or two
       repeating the obvious. It was clear to all
       that the Vice President, remaining in the
       White House, was running things.

    ... The heads of the US government were too
    frightened, the attack too well planned and
    executed, for this to be just a terrorist attack.
        ZetaTalk™, Attack on America

And more ZetaTalk accuracy confirmation.  Zetas right again!

  White House Drops Claim of Threat to Bush
  27 September 2001

    The Bush administration appeared to back away
    yesterday from its claim that a threat was lodged
    against Air Force One on the day terrorists attacked the
    World Trade Center and the Pentagon. After news reports
    Tuesday said administration officials could find no record
    of such a call, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer
    was asked yesterday if the White House believes Osama
    bin Laden was trying to kill the president. Fleischer had
    said at a Sept. 13 briefing that a threat, "using code words,"
    had been phoned in against Air Force One. He quoted the
    caller as saying, "Air Force One is a target." ... On
    Tuesday, the Associated Press quoted administration
    officials as saying they now doubt the call was made.
    "They've been unsuccessful in trying to track down
    whether there was such a call, though officials still
    maintain they were told of a telephone threat Sept. 11 and
    kept Bush away from Washington for hours because of it,"
    the AP said. ... Bush was criticized for flying to Louisiana
    and Nebraska before returning to Washington, and White
    House officials had disseminated their belief that the
    threats were specific and credible.