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Re: Nancy Planet Wont do Jack *** ! Please Check my Physics!

AA <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> Please all knowledgebale guys help me out here.
> I have an astronomy program that gives me required data on dates that I
> need.  Here lets see what will be May 15,2003. Will the Earth get so much
> gravity from planetx that it will cause our shift, or will we even feel it?
> Since she was kind enough to gives the mass and the distance of passage,
> everything is set.
> Please go over these results to make sure I entered all numbers correct
> (and so that you know that I am correct).
> First of all, what am I doing in this calculation? I am calculating
> gravitational forces working ON EARTH on May 15,2003 (the date of the
> passing).
> Gravity formula I use is  f= m1m2/r^2   , where M1 is earth and M2 is mass
> of other objects and R is distance between them.
> My distance is in astronomical units, it is used for all calculations here.
> Mass is used as compared to earth.  1 unit of MASS = 1 mass of earth.  2
> means 2x of earth, etc. For example PlanetX being 4x the mass of earth is 4
> units.

PlanetX is 23x the mass of earth:

> How this calculations is done. I calculate induvidial forces acting on earth
> at may 15,2003 of all the planets (including earth moon) and then put in
> hypothetical planet X to compare.
> Mearth = 1
> Msun= 332,950
> Mmercury 0.55
> Mvenus = 0.815
> Mmoon = 0.012
> Mmars = 0.107
> Mjupiter=317.9
> Msaturn=95.15
> Muranus = 14.54
> Mneptune = 17.13
> Mpluto=0.0017
> Mplanetx = 4

Mplanetx = 23:

> earth/sun distance  = 1.0108836 AU
> earth/mercury distance = 0.575647
> earth/venus distance = 1.495540
> earth/moon distance = 0.0023895594
> earth/mars = 0.876085
> earth/jupiter = 5.492346
> earth/saturn = 9.858417
> earth/uranus = 20.145459
> earth/neptune = 29.870548
> earth/pluto = 29.740010
> earth/planetx = 0.1506   (all numbers in AU)
> Now you take the MASS of the other planet and divide it by distance squared.
> i.e.  lets do for sun.
> 332,950 x 1 / 1.010836 AU ^ 2   = 325,849.9

With the distance given in the above list (1.0108836 AU) it would be:

> I have done other calculations, like that, on a calculator and piece of
> paper. I wrote them down
> and made a sum of them of total solar system force.
> here are the results:
> FOr may 15,2003
> Sun G affect on earth:   325,849.9


> Mercury gives = 0.2459
> Venus = 0.36438
> Moon = 2101.57  WOW!  Other than sun Moon beats all other planets hands
> down. Notice 2101.57 force it gives makes us slow down by microseconds in
> decades! Cant wait to show you planetx result
> Mars = 0.139409
> Jupiter = 10.905
> Saturn = 0.0529
> Uranus = 0.0358
> Neptune = 0.01919
> Pluto = 0.000001922
> total solar system gravity acting on earth at May 15,2003  = 327,964.2116
> Planetx. We know it comes 14 million miles from earth.   that is  14
> millions miles / AU = 0.1506
> 4/0.1506^2 = 176.36 !

23 / 0.1506^2 = 1014.09

> Moon give us 2101.57 Sun gives us 325849.9  and planetX = 176.36

... planetX = 1014.09

> Moon is 10x powerful in its affects on earth than PLANET X WILL.   When was
> the last time moon shifted our poles?

Moon is 2x powerful ...

> 176.36 / 328,140.5716  * 100 =  0.1% gravity acting on earth is from
> planetX.

1014.09 / 328,140.5716 * 100 = 0.31% gravity acting on earth is from

> Any questions? Please go over calculations, do them yourself and If I am
> wrong I'll revise the calculations I made and the result will STILL be in
> that neighborhood  - insignificant.

The gravific effect would be sufficiently important to induce earthquakes.

But the poles shift is to be induced by the magnetic grip instead of a
gravity effect.  So your work is worthless for the understanding of this

Amicalement, Beurling.