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Planet X: the NASAdrones

The Zetas make a point, in one of their usual ways (to step back and
allow the point to become obvious), as to WHY they waited a week before
identifying the objects in the Sep 21, 2002 imaging as Planet X:

    We allowed the human team members, which were more
    than Steve and Jan, to struggle, as this demonstrated a
    point. The team working on this matter, to identify the new
    object on Steve's images, were numerous, as many were
    eager to help analyze the images and provide software
    capabilities and advice, and did so behind the scenes.
    What point was to be proven? That the cat calling on
    sci.astro, of Zetadrones, is inaccurate, as drones do
    not pursue matters independent of their masters.
    Rather, NASAdrones is the appropriate term, as those
    who would have the public asleep until the last minute on
    this matter, the NASA lackies on sci.astro and trying to
    interrupt the Troubled Times mailing lists, are asking the
    public not to think, not to look, not to examine, but to
    accept the conclusions of their NASA masters and their