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Planet X: Red Light BENDING as Predicted

    Red light should have shifted down from Sept 21 to Oct 4 and
    to the left slightly on the images. It appears the best red light
    Px candidate for Oct 4 is slightly above and to the left of the
    Sept 21 position. I think it may be that the factors which affect
    the red light position from Sept 21 to Oct 4 are subject to a
    certain degree of randomness that we cannot accurately predict
    and that the Oct 4 candidate falls within that range.
        Steve Havas

The JPG where Steve has circled his candidate is on the above page,
which the Zetas confirmed to be the red light persona of Planet X, and
the JPE where Pierre has presented a Sum of the red filtered FITS files
clearly shows a new object there, not present on the images taken by
Steve on Sep 21, 2002 nor on the NEAT and ESO-DSS images used as

 Sum of Red Filtered:
 Comparison NEAT images:
 Comparison ESO-DSS image:

The CHANGE, whereby the red light bent LESS to the south, is due to the
solstice (Sep 21) having passed and the ANGLE Steve was taking.  This
moved from
    SES-SE on 9/15/2002, to
    EEES-EES on 10/4/2002
such that LESS of the Earth's surface and LESS of the Earth's core was
passed over for the red light to arrive at Steve's CCD camera.

    On Sept 21 the red filter images were taken from
    between 2:30 and 3:30AM Pacific time which from
    looking at my skychart would put it between 52 - 63
    degrees above the horizon. On Oct 4 the images (which
    began on Oct 3 and finished on Oct4) were taken
    between 11:45 and 12:45AM which puts it between
    28 - 41 degrees above the horizon approximately. On
    Sept 21 the imaging would have started looking SES
    and finished looking approximately SE and on Oct 4
    the imaging should have started looking EEES finished
    looking at about EES. I would think the red light
    should bend more when Planet X is lower on the horizon,
    with more mass of the earth below to pull it down? And
    then when it is higher there would be less of a tendency
    to pull it down due to an increasing mass above to
    cancel some of the downward pulling? And would the
    light bend more to the east the further over to the east
    Px is it so that on Oct 4 there should have been more
    pulling to the east.
        Steve Havas

    But if you're looking more directly East, then you are not
    going over the Equator, from Arizona! Arizona is way
    north of the Equator! The Equator has a greater pull, as
    this is the mass point of gravity pull, so to speak. Coming
    in from the East, of Arizona, you are only passing over
    magma, not the core of the Earth! We have moved past
    the solstice, 9/21, and on 10/4, the light from Planet X
    came more directly from the East, not from over the
    Equator, etc. On 9/21 it was much closer to the Equator,
    so had to bend down, more.
        Nancy Lieder

    Bingo Nancy I think you've done it! That makes perfect
    sense to me now as I had not considered the greater
    gravity tug coming over from the equator and not as great
    from the east. Ahhh, the pieces falling in place!
        Steve Havas

In this regard, those viewing from the Southern Hemisphere would
experience the red persona appearing in a different location, vis a vis
the white light persona at the coordinates.

Camera FITS files, JPG and GIF files showing locations, and
correspondence related to analysis of the images captured on these dates
are links off the TEAM page.

In this regard, on red light bending behavior,