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Re: Analysis of PX images Oct 9 2002

To: IM Openminded
Resident Shepherd of the Sci.Astro Sheep


First I must caution you, that I have you at a disadvantage.
Your sheep are waking up.

I am here to debate with you on the findings of my presented report.

At Harvard there is a quote "Minds contend, men do not"
I will debate in a civil manner on principles, not personalities.
I trust you will do the same. 

On the issue of credentials, 
I am more than willing to provide you with my resume, 
PROVIDED you supply me and the audience with your true resume.

Mrs. Dell does have a son named J.William
I do not believe that Mrs. Openminded named her son I. M.

If you do not wish to reveal yourself, then neither will I.
I will still debate you under these conditions.
Suffice it to say,
I have experience in image processing and interpretation.

The resumes will only determine our schooling
This debate will determine whether we are educated.

So that you and I, and the audience viewing
can all start this debate from the same page.

I ask you to define and explain the following

1) Define the term "total reflection"?

2) What effects can "total reflection" have on an image taken by a

3) What is your explanation of the anomaly picked up on Frame 4-R of
   Sept. 21 2002 at the exact coordinates specified?

4) Can you relate to the statement below, as an attempt to explain 
   "total reflection"?

Quote from Zetatalk chat log Oct 5 2002.
  (NancyL) ZT: Planet X is appearing in only one spot on the images, and
    what is commonly termed white light appearing at the coordinates spot
  (NancyL) ZT: However, there can be ghosts, caused by reflection, that
    can appear NEAR an object.

I reserve the right to rebut your answers to these questions before we
proceed to the debate proper.


Rules of engagement

1) this debate will be on analysis of 2 sets of images taken by Steve
   Havas Sept 21 2002 and Oct 4 2002, of the coordinates provided by
   Nancy Lieder on behalf of the Zetas.

2) this debate will be on the findings of the original report
   submitted by J.William Dell titled
   "Analysis of PX Oct 9 2002"

3) This debate will draw on information contained within the webpage
   and other pertinent data.   

4) The process of debate will consist of my opening statements ,
   followed by your statements, followed by my rebuttal, followed by your
   rebuttal, and beyond if necessary.

5) Each post will only contain the comments of the sender with all
   other previous statements removed. Reference to previous comments can
   be done through hyperlink or reference by quote.

To expedite the process, please confirm the following.  

Is it agreed that the images taken by Steve Havas on the dates Sept.
21 2002 and Oct. 4 2002 are legitimate and unaltered?

Is it agreed that the coordinates given by Nancy Lieder as of the
dates Sept. 15 2002 and the date Oct. 3 2002 are reflected in the
Steve Havas images?

Do you agree to the rules of engagement? 

	Once you have responded to the questions listed above, and I have
rebutted or waived rebuttal, we may begin the debate proper.

As this newsgroup has a posting time lag of anywhere from 3 to 9
hours, it is recognized that the debate may stretch over a number of

J.William Dell