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The world watched, astonished, as FEMA and the Bush Administration seemed to ignore the plight of New Orleans and the Gulf coast during the devastation that hurricane Katrina delivered.
Were they taken by surprise?
FEMA was informed ahead of time what the certain result would be for New Orleans.

Media Info reports
Sep 5, 2005
FEMA Director Mike Brown and HS Secretary Michael Chertoff, listened in on electronic briefings given by [the Huricane Center] in advance of Hurricane Katrina slamming Louisiana and Mississippi--and were advised of the storm's potential deadly effects. It's not like this was a surprise.

We had in the advisories that the levee could be topped. Chertoff told reporters Saturday that government officials had not expected the damaging combination of a powerful hurricane and levee breaches that flooded New Orleans.

Computer modeling done the year before showed that even with a Category 3 hurricane, New Orleans was doomed,
and this was certainly known to both FEMA and HS.

Not only had they been briefed and the likely outcome well known, both the FEMA head, Mike Brown, and HS Secretary Michael Chertoff seemed unaware of the suffering and plight in New Orleans that was front page headline news everywhere, and dominated the TV stations.
When interviewed live by CNN, they were both surprised to hear that dehydration in babies and young children was rampant among those stranded at the Superdome and Convention Center.
One had only to turn on the TV to see the urgent need, which dominated the screen nonstop.

Sep 5, 2005
New York Times reports
Fox News, normally highly deferential to the Bush administration, was skeptical. Chris Wallace, the host of "Fox News Sunday," asked Mr. Chertoff, "Mr. Secretary, how is it possible that you could not have known on late Thursday, for instance, that there were thousands of people in the convention center who didn't have food, who didn't have water, who didn't have security, when that was being reported on national television?"

Where were the air dropped food and water?
Delayed, on orders from FEMA

Associated Press reports
Sep 7, 2005
Michael Brown, director of the FEMA, sought the approval from HS Secretary Michael Chertoff roughly five hours after Katrina made landfall on Aug. 29. He proposed sending 1,000 HS Department employees within 48 hours and 2,000 within seven days.

The 48-hour period indicated for the Homeland employees was to ensure they had adequate training. Employees required a supervisor's approval and at least 24 hours of disaster training in Maryland, Florida or Georgia.

The same day Brown wrote Chertoff, Brown also urged local fire and rescue departments outside Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi not to send trucks or emergency workers into disaster areas without an explicit request for help from state or local governments.

Training? Why kind of training.
The extent of the mismanagement can be sensed from this report from Atlanta.
As New Orleans burned, firemen were being trained to hand out fliers touting FEMA services.

Utah press reports
Sep 6, 2005
As New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin pleaded on national television for firefighters - his own are exhausted after working around the clock for a week - a battalion of highly trained men and women sat idle Sunday in a muggy Sheraton Hotel conference room in Atlanta.

Many of the firefighters, assembled from Utah and throughout the United States by FEMA, thought they were going to be deployed as emergency workers. Instead, they have learned they are going to be community-relations officers for FEMA, shuffled throughout the Gulf Coast region to disseminate fliers and a phone number: 1-800-621-FEMA.

People who are search-and-rescue certified, paramedics, haz-mat certified sitting there having a sexual-harassment class while there are still victims in Louisiana who haven't been contacted yet. FEMA them not to talk to reporters.

Bush did not authorize federal aid for DAYS, even though it was standing at the ready and waiting the release.

White House Press Briefing: Angry Reporters Hit McClellan Hard on Hurricane, Ask if Heads Will Roll
Sep 6, 2005
With almost unprecedented vigor, the press corps attacked and probed the federal response to the hurricane disaster, the president's personal responsibility and failure to fire anyone who failed in his or her mission.
Q: An officer of the Northern Command is quoted as saying that as early as the time Hurricane Katrina went through Florida and worked its way up to the Gulf, there was a massive military response ready to go, but that the President did not order it. It could have been ordered on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday -- the call didn't come. Why not?
McCLELLAN: There were a lot of assets that were deployed and pre-positioned prior to the hurricane hitting.
Q: These assets were deployed, but the order to use them never came.

Beyond failing to act, FEMA actually interfered with rescue efforts, turning back truck loads of water and food delivered by WalMart, with the statement that they were not needed, and cutting communication lines from stranded local authorities.
A quote from Aron Broussard, the angry President of a Louisianna parish affected by the New Orleans flooding.

NBC News
Sept. 4, 2005
Let me give you just three quick examples. We had Wal-Mart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said we didn't need them. This was a week ago. We had 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard said, "Come get the fuel right away." When we got there with our trucks, they got a word. "FEMA says don't give you the fuel."

Yesterday FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, "No one is getting near these lines."

Why would communication lines be CUT?
To prevent alternative rescue efforts, grass roots, from emerging?
Bush held press conferences, photo opportunities, but was so late to the arena and so casual in his response the world was stunned.

September 5, 2005
New York Times reports
The Bush administration, normally so deft at staying a step ahead of the television cameras, spent the weekend trying to catch up. President Bush, who plans to make a second trip to the Gulf Coast today - a disaster mulligan - paid a quick visit to the Red Cross headquarters in Washington to thank the volunteers and publicly display his concern.

Mr. Rumsfeld and Ms. Rice visited the region to make the same point, but their news conferences were clouded by an outburst by Aaron F. Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish, who wept as he described, on "Meet the Press," the drowning of a friend's mother who was left stranded in the St. Bernard nursing home for four days.

"Nobody's coming to get us. The secretary has promised. Everybody's promised," Mr. Broussard said. "They've had press conferences. I'm sick of the press conferences. For God sakes, shut up and send us somebody."

Per, the timeline shows Bush, personally, accountable:


Friday, Aug. 26: Gov. Kathleen Blanco declares a state of emergency in Louisiana and requests troop assistance.

Saturday, Aug. 27: Gov. Blanco asks for federal state of emergency. A federal emergency is declared giving federal officials the authority to get involved.

Sunday, Aug. 28: Mayor Ray Nagin orders mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. President Bush warned of Levee failure by National Hurricane Center. National Weather Service predicts area will be "uninhabitable" after Hurricane arrives. First reports of water toppling over the levee appear in local paper.

Monday, Aug. 29: Levee breaches and New Orleans begins to fill with water, Bush travels to Arizona and California to discuss Medicare. FEMA chief finally responds to federal emergency, dispatching employees but giving them two days to arrive on site.

Tuesday, Aug. 30: Mass looting reported, security shortage cited in New Orleans. Pentagon says that local authorities have adequate National Guard units to handle hurricane needs despite governor's earlier request. Bush returns to Crawford for final day of vacation. TV coverage is around-the-clock Hurricane news.

Wednesday, Aug. 31: Tens of thousands trapped in New Orleans including at Convention Center and Superdome in "medieval" conditions. President Bush finally returns to Washington to establish a task force to coordinate federal response. Local authorities run out of food and water supplies.

Thursday, Sept. 1: New Orleans descends into anarchy. New Orleans Mayor issues a "Desperate SOS" to federal government. Bush claims nobody predicted the breach of the levees despite multiple warnings and his earlier briefing.

Friday, Sept. 2: Karl Rove begins Bush administration campaign to blame state and local officials-despite their repeated requests for help. Bush stages a photo-op-diverting Coast Guard helicopters and crew to act as backdrop for cameras. Levee repair work orchestrated for president's visit and White House press corps.

Saturday, Sept. 3: Bush blames state and local officials. Senior administration official caught in a lie claiming Gov. Blanco had not declared a state of emergency or asked for help.

Monday, Sept. 5: New Orleans officials begin to collect their dead.

If FEMA is a poor performer under the Bush leadership, both Bush presidencies, under President Clinton it was different:

LA Times reports
Sep 5, 2005
FEMA was created in 1979 in response to criticism about Washington's fragmented reaction to a series of disasters, including Hurricane Camille, which devastated the Mississippi coast 10 years earlier. The agency was rocked by scandal in the 1980s and turned in such a poor performance after Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida in 1992 that President George H.W. Bush is thought to have lost votes as a result.

But according to a variety of former officials and outside experts, the agency experienced a renaissance under President Clinton's director, James Lee Witt, speedily responding to the 1993 Mississippi flood, the 1994 Northridge earthquake and other disasters.

Charges of racism were raised, the internet abuzz with rumors that it was the intention to kill as many people in New Orleans as possible, and thus the reasons for the delays.
Per the Zetas, none of these were the REAL reasons for the delay,But first, some background on FEMA.

Desire for a dictatorship is not new.
Called the New World Order by none other than George Herbert Walker Bush, during the first Gulf War.

The world can therefore seize the opportunity (Persian Gulf crisis) to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.
George Herbert Walker Bush

Leading up to the first Gulf War, FEMA had been given amazing authority, by a series of Executive Orders.

In the event of a national emergency declared by the President of the United States, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), would be invested with the power to suspend the U.S. Constitution and is positioned to take control of the United States government and its citizens. ... The authority of eleven preceding Presidential Executive Orders (1939 through 1991) has been consolidated into Order #12919. This concentration of executive authority invests FEMA with absolute power over:

* All United States communications facilities (EO 10995)
* Electrical power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals, public and private (10997)
* Food supplies, agricultural lands and facilities (10998)
* Transportation of any kind, including private, and control of seaports, waterways and highways (10999)
* Civilian labor forces without regard to financial remuneration as authorized under the Defense Production Act of 1950 (11000)
* Health, education and welfare institutions (11001)
* All airport and air transportation, public, private and commercial (11003)
* Railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities (11005)

A national emergency? What would constitute a national emergency?
Following the first attack on the WTC in 1993, the list included the threat of weapons of mass destruction.

On November 14, 1994, by Executive Order 12938, I declared a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and the means of delivering such weapons.

Because the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, the national emergency declared on November 14, 1994, and extended on November 14, 1995 and November 14, 1996, must continue in effect beyond November 14, 1997.

Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938. This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

Is Martial Law, under whatever guise, being manipulated by terrorism threats?
Certainly, even before 911, the attack on the WTC on Sep 11, 2001, there were clues.

TWA 800, downed in July 1996, was shot down by a missile seen by hundreds of witnesses, who independently corroborate each other.
I quote from the Troubled Times pages on Martial Law.

TWA 800 Crash Update
By: The Valley Advocate, 02-03-1998
The National Transportation Safety Board released thousands of pages of data, charts, findings, figures and facts on the investigation of the July 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800. several seasoned military crash experts, these numbers didn't speak; they sang.
"I'm looking at the hard physical evidence," Commander William S. Donaldson, a retired Navy aviator and air crash investigator, told the Advocate. "The government is saying one thing, and the evidence is saying another. ... All the physical evidence fits perfectly with an explosion outside of the airplane."

... Donaldson interviewed 96 people who saw the crash from the ground. All 96, scattered along 11 miles of shoreline, reported seeing a streak of light rise from the surface of the water and merge with the plane before the plane exploded. Additionally, using Global Positioning System satellite technology, Donaldson triangulated the locations of the eyewitnesses and the trajectories of the streaks they reported.

The data, he said, suggests that they all saw the same "streak of light" emerge from the water. What's the chance of that being coincidence?" To Donaldson's surprise, federal investigators had not done such an analysis.

Donaldson said he finds too much suspicious behavior in the government's investigation to simply write its failure off to bureaucratic ineptitude. "I can't believe anybody can be this incompetent," he said. "I suspect it's a cover-up, yes."

And in the words of an eye witness:

When you fly a helicopter at 120 knots over North Vietnam in the iron triangle - in the most heavily defended airspace in the history of warfare - you see a lot of missiles - you see a lot of flak - and I did - I saw a bunch of it - I know what it looks like. My purpose in being here tonight is to tell you that what I saw explode in the sky on July 17, 1996 was military ordnance... We're here is to say it's no accident - somebody shot this aircraft down.
Major Fred Meyer

And the OKC blast, just previous to TWA800 on Apr 19, 1995, had it's own evidence of being perpetrated by the US government itself.
Evidence abounds, including the finding of a leg, in military fatigues and boot, found in the rubble, missing the body.
Two individuals tried and found guilty, and the inquiries stopped.
I quote from ZetaTalk:

ZetaTalk: Oklahoma City Bombing, written on Jun 15, 1996
There has been much speculation about the military personnel and apparatus found at the site of the Oklahoma City bombing of a federal building. Clearly the body of a soldier was removed, leaving behind, in the confusion, a leg and boot marking the corpse as a military person. Did a subculture within the government plan and execute the bombing, and is a cover-up in place?

Taken in context with the strong arm tactics used at Waco and used against secessionist minded families or groups in the western US, a pattern has emerged. The brutality of bombing a building which housed a nursery, or shooting a mother standing with a babe in her arms, or rushing a suicide cult holding small children essentially as hostages has caught the attention of the public.

The motive behind this polarization, where the public is to be led to believe that these strong arm tactics are necessary, is the same motive that fuels the New World Order movement - control. As the pole shift approaches, panic and riot will increase due to food shortages but also to alarming weather extremes and earthquakes and volcanism that increase in intensity steadily.

Those in the establishment, who have planned for their own security and sustenance, want to be protected from this panic and the demands of frightened people. Strong arm tactics, media suppression, and martial law are all cards in the deck of the New World Order crowd which they hope to be able to play.

Bioterrorism attacks have also been tried. Notably, after 911.
What should be noted is that there was only ONE source of the Anthrax that was mailed about in the weeks following 911 that was identified, and this was a CIA lab in Utah.
The Anthrax strain in the letters sent to Democratic Senators Feinstein and Dauchau were from this source. Of course, no prosecution of anyone from that lab ever occurred, the matter dropped.
I quote from the Troubled Times pages on Martial Law.

On William Cooper's website, copyright of 1997.

Since the United States Army's announcement of the inoculation of all of its personnel with Anthrax vaccine I can safely predict that the next large terrorist event within the borders of the United States of America may be biological using Anthrax as the agent of destruction and death.

William Cooper was killed, supposedly evading a warrant, out running around and waving a gun.
In view of the fact that he had been the victim of an assassination attempt earlier, bearing the scars from this on his leg, no one believed this.

Was a group seeking dictatorship in the US, operating in CIA or DOD labs, preparing bioterrorism tools to be used against their own people?
They certainly were practicing!
I quote from the Troubled Times pages on Martial Law.

U.S. Conducted Open-Air Biological, Chemical Weapons Tests, Records Show
Associated Press, October, 2002
The tests included releasing deadly nerve agents in Alaska and spraying bacteria over Hawaii. The United States also tested nerve agents in Canada and Britain in conjunction with those two countries, and biological and chemical weapons in at least two other states, Maryland and Florida. ... The summaries of more than two dozen tests show that biological and chemical tests were much more widespread than the military has acknowledged previously.
US Admits Chemical Weapons Tests
BBC, October, 2002
In large part the reason for revealing this information now and for briefing the US Congress, as the Pentagon has been doing, is because of concerns expressed by veterans. More than 50 of them have filed claims because of health concerns and fears they were exposed to dangerous substances.

To protect the guilty, the innocent were killed.
A rash of microbiologist deaths occurred in late 2001, as though to ensure the Anthrax scare following 911 would not be investigated too closely, at least not assisted by any expert witnesses.

Scientists' Deaths are Under the Microscope
May 4, 2002
Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months.

1. Nov. 12, 2001: Benito Que was said to have been beaten in a Miami parking lot and died later.
2. Nov. 16, 2001: Don C. Wiley went missing. Was found Dec. 20. Investigators said he got dizzy on a Memphis bridge and fell to his death in a river.
3. Nov. 21, 2001: Vladimir Pasechnik, former high-level Russian microbiologist who defected in 1989 to the U.K. apparently died from a stroke.
4. Dec. 10, 2001: Robert M. Schwartz was stabbed to death in Leesberg, Va. Three Satanists have been arrested.
5. Dec. 14, 2001: Nguyen Van Set died in an airlock filled with nitrogen in his lab in Geelong, Australia.
6. Feb. 9, 2002: Victor Korshunov had his head bashed in near his home in Moscow.
7. Feb. 14, 2002: Ian Langford was found partially naked and wedged under a chair in Norwich, England.
8. Feb. 28, 2002: San Francisco resident Tanya Holzmayer was killed by a microbiologist colleague, Guyang Huang, who shot her as she took delivery of a pizza and then apparently
9. [Feb 28, 2002: Guyang Huang] shot himself.
10. March 24, 2002: David Wynn-Williams died in a road accident near his home in Cambridge, England.
11. March 25, 2002: Steven Mostow of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre, killed in a plane he was flying near Denver.

Certainly, there is continuing talk not only of bioterorism attacks but of NATURAL epidemics, such as bird flu.
Notably, US labs released the virus that caused a pandemic in 1957.
Released this virus to 4,000 labs around the world, supposedly by accident.

Pandemic-causing 'Asian flu' accidentally released
Apr 13, 2005
The virus that caused the 1957 Asian flu pandemic has been accidentally released by a lab in the US, and sent all over the world in test kits which scientists are now scrambling to destroy. The flu testing kits helps pathology laboratories improve their accuracy. The 1957 pandemic started in China before spreading worldwide, killing an estimated two million or more people.

The virus was sent to laboratories in Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States.
Feds at Loss on How Flu Strain Got to Labs
Apr 14, 2005
Federal officials are still at a loss to explain how a potentially deadly strain of influenza could be sent to more than 4,000 labs around the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is operating under the presumption that the H2N2 strain was purposefully included in the panels designed to test the labsĀ“ proficiency in identifying viruses.

And sure enough, those interested in imposing Martial Law in the US were quick to reveal their plans.

Bush Authorizes Use of Quarantine Powers In Cases of Bird Flu
Apr 1, 2005
President Bush signed an executive order on Friday authorizing the government to impose a quarantine to deal with any outbreak of a particularly lethal variation of influenza now found in Southeast Asia. The fatality rate among those reported to have contracted the disease is about 70 percent.

And the Zetas explain the many clues to the plans to use this as yet another means to Martial Law:

ZetaTalk: Pandemic Threats, written Apr 16, 2005
Bioterrorism has been the mantra of those in the Bush administration since 911, with little indication that the terrorists being fingered for 911 had any intent to unleash germs instead of bombs. Bombs are a long standing tool, as are suicide bombers, and using an airplane as a fuel laden bomb only an extension of this methodology. Germ warfare, as used by Saddam during his battles with rebellious Kurds, has been a tool long present in the arsenal, but little used. Was not the anthrax laden mail after 911 perpetrated by Bin Laden associates? No proof of that, but what has been proven is that the anthrax sent to Democratic Senators during this scare came from CIA labs in Utah. Despite this signature identification, no prosecution was done, and the matter dropped. Saddam, as is a matter of record, got his germs directly from the US when he was an ally during earlier Iran containment battles. If germ warfare were such a threat, then why the casual treatment of the agents? Bioterrorism has become the bogeyman because it is convenient to contain the populace, suddenly, should Martial Law or its equivalent be desired. The Bush administration has run a number of tests to see whether this or that plan or technique might be useful, or to test the gullibility of the American people.

We have mentioned the Shelter in Place tests, which failed to prove useful as a directive to the public, and the Terri Schiavo test, which failed to dismantle the balance of powers between the branches of government, allowing a Bush dictatorship to prevail in its place. The Patriot Act, supplanting civil liberty checks, has met resistance in many communities and is no longer in favor. With the military in revolt, behind closed doors, the Bush administration has only those power given it by the executive branch, primarily the Homeland Security outreach.
What would allow Homeland Security to force the residents of cities to remain in place, to Shelter in Place, selectively? Infection, affecting those neighborhoods likely to riot and not housing friends of Bush, could be quarantined. Vaccinations, again selected to enhance illness among those not deemed fit for the work camps of the future, could likewise be focused. All that is needed as a catalyst is a pandemic, a worldwide threat, and if nature does not cooperate then a nudge can be provided. Notable in the recent revelation that a proven deadly virus without natural immunity in the worlds populace was released on purpose to thousands of labs in dozens of countries worldwide, via standard mail routes, is the lack of uproar about this calamity, the lack of major media attention. Notable is the fact that this release came from a US lab. Notable is that Bush recently signed an executive order authorizing quarantine in the case of a bird-flu epidemic, after the release of this 1957 virus, and prior to the discovery by the public that the release had occurred.

To those who fear being poisoned or contained in camps, we would point to the Earth changes, which will overtake those in power long before any planned pandemic can be initiated. Germs will be contained by disaster.

If there is a pattern in attempts to install Martial Law in the US by manipulating so-called terrorism attacks, there is also a pattern in the Navy's allegiance.
What's so special about the Navy?
When MJ12 was formed shortly after Roswell, it was the Navy that was the branch of the government that was put in charge of the cover-up.
The Navy controls time keeping, and news of the anticipated slowing rotation of the globe as the pole shift approached could thus be contained.
The Navy controls the observatories, and thus sightings of UFO's and motherships could be contained, and certainly sightings of the approaching Planet X could be maintained.
But beyond those issues, the Navy functions under Maritime Law, which is more in line with what a dictator over the US and its territories might like.
I quote from the Troubled Times pages on Martial Law.

The U.S. has technically been at war with it's own citizens since the 1930's. The declared National Emergency of March 9, 1933 amended the War Powers Act to include the American People as enemies. This allowed Maritime Law to come onto land. Be careful of that pretty little flag with the gold trim that sits on a pedestal in your courtrooms. That is an Admiralty flag, flown on the open seas, not the American flag. The US Constitution allowed for three types of laws, Common Law, Contract Law governing contracts and agreements, and Maritime Law that is to be used on the open seas to govern our Naval forces while out there since the ships are not on our land. Only in times of war can Maritime Law govern on land.

Of course, we are technically at war, as Bush continuously reminds the American public, because Iraq supposedly had WMD and he was authorized by Congress to start an open ended war with Iraq.

As a result of the 2000 election being stolen from the popular vote by Supreme Court fiat in November 2000, we have this report on its heels, in December 2000.
The cold clammy hand of those wanting to impose Martial Law in the US and its territories is palpable.

U.S. not Prepared for Domestic Terrorism, Report says, December 14, 2000
The United States needs a new White House Office for Combating Terrorism, with a director chosen by the president and confirmed by the Senate, according to a blue-ribbon panel looking into the U.S. strategy to respond to domestic terrorism. The congressionally mandated panel released its report on Thursday, saying a terrorist attack using a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon on U.S. soil is inevitable.

And the Patriot Act certainly eroded the Constitutional rights of US citizens.
Electronic snooping, and tagging citizens.
By early 2003, this was apparent in the US for air travel.

What is up with the new regulations on red/yellow/green tagging of all airline passengers in the US, is there any connection between this and FEMA red and blue lists? What criteria will they use to make the color assessments, criminal records, dissident groups, medical history, financial?
#zetatalk IRC

And the Zetas explain:

ZetaTalk: Tagging Citizens, written Mar 1, 2003
The US touts itself as being the strongest and best example of democracy in the world. This used to be the case, up until several decades ago when its strength was deemed a prize by those humans strongly in the Service-to-Self orientation, and takeovers began. One can trace this demise of democracy in the US back to post Hitler era, when the CIA was formed of former SS agents. Kissinger befriends Argentina during its purging of protesting citizens, and the CIA is hand in hand with corporate greed around the world. Toppling elected democracies around the world, instating their cronies as bosses in these countries, and all the while mouthing democratic ideals. Of course, the situation now is patently clear to all, with the takeover of the White House not by vote but by slight of hand in orders from the Republican courts to stop the counting. Now, bribery and coercion and the rule of the strong is in play, for the whole world to witness.

In many countries, repression of citizens, with class divisions, registration so no escape from one's lot, is the norm. India has so many classes they lose count, all rigid. In countries where class is determined by color, or race, there is no need to be carrying a card, as the color of one's skin suffices. But in the US, among the elite who now think of themselves as world rulers, kings in the Aftertime by virtue of the captured military might of the US commandeered by the Bush crowd, such distinctions among white people is not easy. Early attempts to tag all citizens with inserts, after 911, failed to capture the public's interest, with only a few pets and children so tagged. Even getting immunized has the public leery, with most not eager for inoculations so this means of poisoning the population seems remote. Martial Law is extreme, likely to bring about rebellion as the complaints about prisoners held on off-shore bases and tortured and erosion of civil liberties has demonstrated.

Thus, the elite in the US have brain-stormed as to a solution to sorting out the white population into desirables and undesirables, and have come up with a color coded system. It is simply not explained, to travelers, what the criteria is. They are supposed to assume this is akin to profiling by dress or race or body language done in the past, as to whom to search more thoroughly, or not. With the erosion of civil rights in the name of Patriotism, all electronic records, and they are more than the average citizen presumes exists, are to be pooled into the hands of the Homeland Security, where they will be used not to protect against terrorism but to prevent escape from doomed cities, to prevent migration of the undesirable, and to sort out the best workers for the elite to rule over in the Aftertime, or so they presume.

Undesireables? Often called useless eaters, these are citizens not deemed good work camp candidates by those wanting a dictatorship in the US, with themselves as kings, or course.
Certainly, the state of one's health would be a criteria for a quick sort, and a health ID card would be just the thing.

Intellectual Capital
Feel Like a Number, by Robert Gellman, August 27, 1998
In 1996, Congress enacted a law that told the Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala to select a standard unique identifier for individuals. Identifying individuals reliably and accurately is a problem for every institution. When you apply for credit, a job, welfare assistance or a driver's license, how does anyone know who you are? Proponents of the health identifier say it would only be used for health purposes. But the protection is a figment. No guarantees from Congress. A recent study by the American Civil Liberties Union in Wisconsin found that of the 50 governmental units studied, 30 maintained identifiable or potentially identifiable health data. Look at what happened to Social Security numbers. The original Social Security card said that it was "not for identification purposes[But] they are now required to open a bank account, get a job, apply for a credit card, buy or sell property, or obtain insurance. If you want a license for driving, fishing, hunting or running a business, or if you have a baby, you must disclose your Social Security number.

Road blocks and travel restrictions will occur, check points where the undesireables can be sorted out, or so goes the plan.

ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions, written Jan 7, 2003
Travel restrictions will likely be imposed by governments in response to migrations, but not until this occurs. Thus, this will vary by country, within country, and in truth is in place long before pole shift issues such as weather changes and increasing starvation occurred. The US has restrictions on immigration from Central America and Mexico, but wet backs and illegal nannies employed in the US have been a long standing problem.

North Korea is starving, the starving children among the populace creeping into China to raid fields and beg food ongoing for some years. This is controlled not by the Chinese, who themselves are starving, but by the North Koreans, who do not want the world to know of their state.

Where sudden homelessness or joblessness is cared for in some manner in situ, at the site, there will be no migration and no travel restrictions.

An earthquake ravaged city, with tents cities placed on the perimeter and military to prevent looting, will find the majority of the populace in place, waiting for supper and not arguing with their military guards. If a long time running until the shift, months, such a tent city will need to clear travel for those parties who have relatives or second homes elsewhere, and passes will be issued under the guise of a pass so the military will allow passage, not think the travelers looters.

Where life goes on, unaffected by high tides or ravaged by weather or quakes, travel will in all likelihood be similar to today, to seek work or to visit relatives or whatever. Any number of controls may be imposed, and suddenly, based on Earth changes. This is one reason to be in your chosen safe location early, and if not possible, to have valid excuses to be there should you need the excuse.

The ZetaTalk on Blockades, written Feb 8,2003 rings a chord with the handling of the New Orleans flooding.
Those wanting to walk out of the city into the neighboring suburbs were PREVENTED from leaving!
This despite a mandatory evacuation order given by the major.
The reason given, looting of the suburbs was to be prevented, and this meant containment of those trapped in the flooded city.

ZetaTalk: Blockades, written Feb 8, 2003
In smoke filled rooms, in those private after-meeting chats that the power-mad have with each other, these issues come up. They have determined that to retain power, worldwide, requires a few steps that absolutely must be taken, not missed. We will list them, as some of the illogical behavior of the power-mad becomes clear when these steps are considered.

The elite live in wealthy suburbs, estates, penthouses, and those they consider their slaves live in ghettos, poor neighborhoods, trailer parks, or in 3rd World countries in mud huts. The issue is keeping the mob in their settings, and preventing them from attacking the elite in their enclaves. Thus, containment means keeping them there, until the bridges fall, the quake crumbled buildings fall upon them, and injury and infection take them out. However, preventing escape from cities by bombing bridges, disrupting train schedules, and thus limiting the exodus of the poor and underprivileged from city ghettos is now planned.

This plan requires that those healthy and talented among the survivors, [who are] not the elite, be placed in a position to become enslaved. We have in the past warned against moving to locations offered by the government, or the wealthy elite, for jobs, work, requiring the family mainstay to move or relocate.

This requires that the elite live in enclaves that are not only in a safe area, but are defensible. Often, the elite have moved into such areas, where fences and armed guards or security are present. The elite have planned get-away estate locations. These are guarded by ex-military, ex-CIA, or mercenary types, already hired, whom the elite presume will be their servants throughout. The mercenaries, of course, will take over, and not be gentle about it.

Containment is already planned, in Indonesia, in Britain, in the US, in Australia, but requires a terrorism threat in order to get the military or police or civil units to cooperate. These units, in the main manned by the common man, with family and friends and loyalties not necessarily in line with those of the elite, are already suspicious. Given an order to blockade a city, prevent exit, and institute essential martial law, they would at first obey, but then problems would set in. A blockade only works when it is entirely enforced, and breaches create an exodus that counteracts the blockade, as now those contained are enraged. Thus, we predict that early use of this tactic will create awareness of the tactic, so that later requests for enforcement are poorly implemented and fail. Enslavement has not as yet been implemented, as the economic situation has not become so dire that the elite are willing to admit to this, and make such offers.

So if FEMA is the primary arm to be used to install Martial Law in the US and its territories, then why did FEMA fail so miserably during the New Orleans crisis?
Why the failure of FEMA to act in any manner that would inspire public trust?
The Zetas explain.

ZetaTalk: Why FEMA Failed, written Sep 7, 2005
It is no secret that Executive Orders, long standing for decades, are poised to give FEMA control of the United States and its territories with the stroke of a presidential pen. The FEMA head is likewise appointed by the President, and serves at his pleasure. So who is in charge here? If the President appoints a brainless dolt that allows himself to be led about by the nose, the President continues to be in charge while not having to endure the irritations of living in a democracy where he cannot act like he wants to, as a dictator. Is this Martial Law? It is a broader reach, as FEMA can control every aspect of society, by law, drafting workers and commandeering communications, energy, food production and distribution, and transporation. By law, the President can hand the reigns of power to FEMA under a threat such as one posed by weapons of mass destruction. Sound familiar? By law, the President can likewise declare martial law under such a threat, but this President prefers to use these forces to commandeer the oil fields of the world. FEMA is a gentler, kinder method of running the US as a dictatorship. Given the obvious desire of those controlling the White House and the US Military at present to become dictators, running the world and sitting on top of every oil field in order to control the commodity of the future, black gold, what is stopping them? Cooperation with their plans, for one.

These desires are held by a small clutch, numbering in the hundreds at most, who mouth a completely different tune when the microphone is pushed in their faces in front of the cameras. They are a flea, riding a restless horse. They KNOW the cataclysms we have predicted so precisely will come, and require the element of surprise to complete their plans. The citizenry EXPECT these kinds of maneuvers when cities are reduced to rubble by earthquakes, or as in the case of New Orleans, flooded into utter disaster. For FEMA to step in at such a time, exercising restraint in the powers they commandeer, stepping back to allow the normal functions of government to take back the reigns, all this builds trust in FEMA, or so the logic goes. The raw hand of greed, the intent to install a dictatorship, should not be revealed too early. Lately, since August of 2003, the military also became a problem, refusing to acknowledge Bush as their Commander in Chief. While not publicly confronting Bush, they foot drag on a buildup in Iraq, on an invasion of Iran, and are leaking information embarrassing to Bush. Control of all but the Navy's nuclear capability has been taken away from Bush and Cheney, the Navy being the only branch remaining loyal to the dictatorship plan. What was it that Poindexter was up to, before he was exposed? Snooping on the citizenry. Poindexter, of course, having been excused by Bush Sr. of his crimes during Iran Contra, a longtime Bush ally. And what is the allegiance of the new NORCOM commander, being an Admiral? Navy all the way. But the Navy is not the bulk of the US Military, nor is it well in hand, only some of the leadership at the top cooperating with the plan.

So where does that leave Bush, who fears an early revelation of this plans as then cooperation will be eroded, perhaps never to return, and who requires FEMA as a card to be played as he fears he cannot control the US Military? He controls Homeland Security, who controls FEMA, and has installed as the head of both organizations someone HE can control. The weak, installing the weaker, so as to maintain control. Despite the swaggering, Bush has immense insecurities, as anyone cognizant of his cocaine and alcohol abuse and flight from duty during the Viet Nam era might infer. He hids from strength, surrounds himself with buddies who are so impressed by his swagger that they remain loyal. What kind of person is impressed by Bush? Weak minded, into tight command and control without questioning those in authority, rigid and unable to react to anything but the programmed and expected situation. THIS is why FEMA failed, and Homeland Security was as out of touch as the FEMA director. Expect more of the same as disasters increase, as to install any but the weak minded under him, Bush himself fears losing control. But the game plan is now out in the open, being questioned, the press finally out of their stupor and questioning.